Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The 2WW continues to suck. I second guess every possible creak, squeak and leak of my body. Am I tired tonight because my body is working for two now? Was the spotting today the mythical implantation spotting?

I am trying to get the courage tomorrow to POAS [pee on a stick]. I really want to know, but at the same time it is nice to live in lala land.

Is it Friday yet? I am ready to make my next set of plans. And, I am ready to live without hockey and cocktails.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2WW is on!

Here they are. All that time, all that money. And, hopefully, worth every penny. What you are looking at above is a full forward hockey line. Though, realistically, it is still going to be a miracle if we get a left winger out of the bunch. [Need a left winger, since I play right and hubby plays center].

The best embryo is the one up at the top. It is seven cell with minimal fragmentation. The second one has seven cells but more fragmentation and the last one is only five cells--the runt of the litter.

I am now resting and trying to coax the little guys to find a nice home in my uterus, where I promise to love and nurture them for the next 9 months.

The full details on my IVF process should be up on Conceive in the next day or so.

Thanks again to everyone who has just been the greatest cheerleaders during this process.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Latest Update

I went back for another u/s today and they changed the game plan slightly based on today's statistics

Left: 20.5, 16.5, 14, 10.5

Right: 13,12.5, 12

Lining 7.1

There's a 5% risk that the big follicle could ovulate before 1030 on Friday, but we are going to take that chance. By the time we are done, I will have been on stimulation medications for 14 days. There will have been a total of 61 shots--most of which have been given by super trooper husband.

New schedule:

Trigger Wed night

Retrieval 1130am on Friday

Transfer 11/16 Monday if all goes well

Keep your thoughts focused on the underdogs catching up and the lead dog staying put until Friday!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A week later...and on track

It's amazing what a week can bring. After Monday's horrible ultrasound, things started to pick up. We went back today and here's what we have:

Left side, there are 4 follicles {16.5,11,9,6} The sixth is probably worthless, but still nice to see that they are coming up.

Right side, there are 3 follicles all in the 9mm range.

The trick now is to grow the rest without the big one getting too big, or else they will all release before the doctor has a chance to retrieve them.

Current schedule:

Final u/s on Tues 11/10
Trigger shot Tues night
Thurs Egg Retrieval 11/12
Transfer, most likely 11/15

Thanks for everyone's good vibes. They are definitely helping.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tough Start

If you check out my Conceive blog, you'll get all the details about today's visit to Stanford.

I want to thank all my online buddies who have had lots of encouraging words today and have told me not to give up hope yet. We'll just have to see what the coming week will bring.

Trying hard to keep my chin up.